Friday, March 29, 2013

The Vortex - The Story of my Break Up

As I write this I am sitting in the sunshine in my home in Calgary, AB. Just 2 days ago I was in Hawaii, soaking up the last few moments of a trip that would change me forever. How does travel do that? It seems every time we go away, we change. Our perspective changes, our inner world changes, and in many cases - our outside lives do too. 

While in Kauai, I thought in detail about how I wanted to portray the events that were taking place on the island - internally and externally. How to convey this experience so it is a pleasure to write, but also so that my audience (aka fellow cosmic questers who are here to kick some serious love booty) would gain alot of value from my words. 

And so, inspired by Doreen Virtue's work, I decided to tell a story. 

The next words are pages from my life over the last month. I will continue to write these blog posts, and as the story progresses, I hope you gain personal insights that will help you through your own inner adventures. 

Much love and many blessings, 
xo Beth

Coming to Noniland was a true act of divine synchronicity. 

One day, I was online and came across a great deal to fly to California and back for only a few hundred dollars.

This got my travel senses excited, and before I went to bed that night, I asked Archangel Michael, the angel who oversees our life purpose and next steps - "Would you have me book a trip to California?"

In the morning, I suddenly knew California wasn't right, but I had a sudden urge to go to Hawaii. I had been dreaming about a place with green mountains and turquoise waters, but a trip to Hawaii never really crossed my mind. It wasn't until later that I remembered, months ago, I had put a small word on my vision, because I liked the sounds of it. The word? "Hawaii"

A few days later I was visiting with a friend who had taken David Wolfe's raw nutrition certification course, and I mentioned that I was thinking about a trip to Hawaii that summer. Nikki told me of an internship program at David Wolfe's Hawaiian farm, Nonliand, and I was instantly intrigued.

Just 5 days after that initial conversation, my ticket was booked and I had been accepted as an intern to Noniland, a process I was told later, usually takes months. I left 2 weeks later, in February, far sooner than I had originally intended, but with the full knowledge that divine synchronicity was at play, and I was about to experience a seriously profound and life changing adventure.

Upon arriving to Hawaii, I was so inspired by the greenery, the mountains, and was pleasantly surprised by the soft, gentle energy of the place (it had been formed by volcanoes, after all). Although I was delighted to be there, something wasn't fully computing. I was having bad dreams ever night, and every night, my boyfriend was in them. I shrugged the dreamtime signals off every morning, ready to open my heart to Hawaii, yet only a few days after my arrival, a sudden skype call changed the course of my experience.

My boyfriend called me after a sleepless night on my end. At that point, I knew something wasn't right.

He explained to me that things weren't clicking for him anymore, that he felt like he needed to end the partnership. 

I was in shock, yet deep down, I knew my intuition saw it coming. I had simply stuffed down the signs I didn't want to face.

After getting off the call, it was all I could do to get in a hot shower, and cry. Deep sadness overcame me, as I realized that this time (we had broken up before) - it would really be it. He was my first love, my first boyfriend, we lived together, and had been in each other's lives for almost 3 years. The stories kept playing over in my mind, but through it all, as the water poured over my crying and vulnerable body, I knew I'd be OK. Spirit had a plan for me, and the message I got from Archangel Michael in the Denver airport seemed more appropriate than ever -

"It won't be what you want, but it will be what you need". 

Still, I needed to let myself feel the sorrow, so I just kept crying...

{The story continues next week}