Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dairy Free Survival Guide - When Dairy Stops Loving You Back

I was recently talking to a friend who had just discovered a dairy intolerance, and she was lamenting how much the revelation was affecting her. “How do I live without dairy”, she asked, “It’s just so good!” I told her once she committed to it, it would be easy - understandable her next question was - “But what about CHEESE?!”

Granted, cheese is a tough one to reproduce vegan style, but there are ways. I’ve been living mostly dairy free for years now, because, frankly, it makes me feel like shit. And it’s really awesome NOT to feel like shit, and that’s why, my friends, it’s really awesome to live without dairy.

Almonds make a super tasty milk alternative.
Photo from Jules | Flickr

Here’s my survival guide for those of you who suspect that dairy is no longer returning your longtime love.

1. Coconut milk 

Godsend. Seriously. Coconut milk is creamy, delicious, and much tastier than regular old milk. It’s especially good for coffee and tea, as almond and rice milk are usually much too watery to convert your morning beverage into a creamy treat. Just make sure you don’t overdo it - a few tablespoons a day is plenty.

2. Almond (Cashew, Sunflower Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Hemp, etc.) Milk 

Almond milk was my go to for a while, and I still love it, though I prefer the homemade kind the best now. Even though the storebought brands are much better for you than milk, they’ve still been processed in order to sit on a shelf for long periods of time. Try making your own nut milk - it’s super easy. Soak raw almonds overnight. Then add them to 3-4 cups of water. Blend the two ingredients together, and sift it through a strainer or cheesecloth. Add a dash of salt, some vanilla, cinnamon, and maybe even maple syrup to the final product and you’ve got the most delicious milk of all time. See the links above for more recipes.

3. Nutritional Yeast

Ah yes, nutritional yeast, my love. Nutritional yeast is one of your new replacements for cheeses. You can throw it on pizza, popcorn, toast, wraps, even on salad, and it adds a unique flavor that somewhat mimics what you may love about cheese. It’s also good for you, which is a major plus. Find it at most natural food stores.

4. Avocado

Of course, avocado. It’s fatty (in the good way), flavourful, and delicious on pretty much everything. Salads, wraps, toast, pizza, rice, pasta, sandwiches, the list goes on. Add a dash of sea salt to bring out it's ultimate flavour.

5. When You Just Gotta Have Some Cheese

All right, I get it, cheese is unbelievably delicous. It just is. Sometimes you may crave it just a little bit too much to grab that avocado, and thats ok! In times like these, opt for goat cheese, or feta, and make absolute sure it’s organic. Factory farmed cows produce non-organic cheese, and the energy of that product will throw your system way out of whack. Organic goat cheese and feta are much easier for your body to process than the regular stuff, so if you end up having a bite every week or two, it’s not the end of the world. Just make sure to observe how you feel afterwards.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Meditation For Intense Emotion - When Tears Are Necessary

The next time something or someone triggers a deep emotion within you, whenever you can, find a place you can be alone in.

As you breathe deeply, experience the feelings that this situation or person has brought up for you. Know that this pain is not a product of an external situation, but rather a deeply buried collection of memories that has been triggered by outside circumstances. 

As you shift your focus from perceiving this outside circumstance as the source of your pain, drop the visions of it. 

Let go of the need to constantly relate this pain to that outside person or situation, and instead go inward. 

Focus on the pure feelings of the moment, and nothing else. What do they feel like? Where are they in your body?

Breathe into them. 

As you do this, let the feelings pour out of you in the form of tears, sobs, screams, or punches to the pillow - whatever - just let it out!  

When the intensity of the emotions begins to subside, say to yourself, lovingly: “I acknowledge what once was, and send it into the light now. I love and accept myself completely, and release these feelings into the infinite loving universe, trusting that that are now healed in the love and light of the divine’s truth.” Say this as many times as you need to. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meditation Is My Lover

I hear a lot about meditation as a path to inner peace, and I totally agree that one benefit of sitting in stillness is a zenned out mind.

But meditation is WAY more exciting than that - meditation is a way to access our perfect lives - lives of fun, inspiration, purpose, beautiful relationships and MORE!

How? Watch my latest vlog "Why Mediation is So Awesome" - and visit me at for private meditation coaching that will speak to the deepest levels of your being!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Message from Archangel Michael

I didn't always believe in Angels, in fact, up until about 16 months ago, I thought they were straight out of a fiction book. That all changed, however, when I started relying on my inner guidance for advice, rather than the outside world. Since then, the Angels have shown up everywhere in my life. At first they showed themselves visually, in blue flashes of light I'd see around people, cars, and animals. Eventually they showed themselves to me in words.

I can hear them most clearly when I take a pen to paper, in nature, and ask a specific angel to step forth  and channel his or her energy into my writing.

I know it may sound a little scary, or perhaps a little out there - and you're right. Opening yourself up to ideas that society has deemed crazy calls for some serious confidence. But we all have the ability to speak with angels, and now, more than ever, calls for us to use that ability.

Today I went out to nature in a bit of an anxious state. I had so much going on for my business that I didn't know where to start. I asked Archangel Michael to come through to me, and this is what he said. This message is not only true for me, but for all people.

"Just trust your inner voice, when it tells you to sit, then sit. When it tells you to run, then run. When it longs for companionship, go out and find a friend. When it needs to be alone, be alone. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be. The world may seem scary and big, but it's not, it's right inside of you. When you feel the merging of your soul with the divine one truth, let it be so. Don't run in fear of what is to come, as I have said, and will say again, you are taken care of, you are loved, you are honoured. 
Your mission is great, a fantastic merging of different passions and intersections. Let that not fool you, though, as the only true mission is within your heart. To be the love which you seek, to live in the one truth that all is perfect, whole, and clear. Respect others and where they are at with their journeys, in time, everyone will join the light race. 
Unfold your wings and let the power of intention guide you, across the seas, to distant shores, where your name is being called, even now. Trust that we understand your human needs, to be loved and to love, to give and to receive, and to play amongst the orchards of paradise. It is so. We will give to you, give all to you. Just be ready to receive. Be ready to receive the oneness of all, the lightness of being which you crave, and which you are experiencing, even now. 
Let all your days be filled with glee, for you are a holy child of Spirit, whose name means the glory of all days of life, of all love, and of all happiness. Remember the memories of oneness, that are always there, never lost, in the bowels of the earth, in the land of the seas, and in the dawn of humankind. 
With much love and respect, yours*, Michael."
I took yours to mean the 'love and respect' he concludes with is your own love and respect, as we are all one, so is the love we share.

I'll be posting soon about how you too, can receive messages. It requires practice, but once you start to trust yourself, you can communicate with virtually any part of the spirit world - a deceased relative, , Angels, Buddha, Jesus, a Hindu Goddess - the list goes on.

Til next time,
xx Beth

Monday, August 13, 2012

Eat Your Way to a Divine Life

I've always known that exercise and eating right were a guide to physical health. Still, I resisted physical movement for much of my life. It wasn't until recently that this all changed, as I began to understand the real effects of taking care of my body.

Green Smoothies are easy, incredibly energizing, and super customizable!

Organic Coconut Milk, Water, and Chia Seeds with Watermelon - A fantastic way to start the day!

The truth is, movement and healthy eating aren't just keys to physical health, but to emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. Here's why:

  • Exercise releases stored stress in the body. Worrying, guilt, and fear based thinking often work their way into our muscles. Once this happens, the only way to release the stored toxins is through movement. When we exercise, we're literally releasing negativity - and unblocking energetic pathways in the body. 
  • Healthy eating keeps our bodies clear, light, and happy. Healthy eating doesn't mean looking at nutritional charts, and adopting a one size fits all plan - it means listening intuitively to your body - what does it want to eat? (Hint: It's probably not ice cream, that's your mind at play) If you can't quite hear it yet, that's ok! Start with fresh organic veggies and fruit, and light sources of protein, such as nuts, chia seeds, tempeh, mung beans, and sustainably sourced fish. Eat raw meals as much as possible. When you need a sweet treat, try dates, coconut 'milk'shakes, or raw macaroons.

When we keep our physical channels clear, magical things happen. Our subconscious is no longer tied up paying attention to the discomfort in our bodies. It can now hear the subtle vibrations of our intuitive guidance, and our angels. We can clearly receive divine communication that will lead us to our ultimate lives. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Where Do Miracles Come From?

I can’t count the number of magical moments that have happened to me since I decided to live my life on purpose. A couple weekends ago I had a day full of those moments. Upon walking out the door to meet with a client, I started to think how amazeballs it would be to live in nature. Not 2 seconds later, I found a huge, beautiful feather on the ground, whose size I’ve only come across in the wild. Miracle #1.

Being in love with the wild feather I found on the ground.

After my meeting, I decided to head to the organic food store to pick up one of my favourite raw treats. On my way, I spontaneously popped into the crystal store, where I was ceremenoiously gifted 2 of the very same treats I had been lusting after. I didn't even know they sold them there!

How did this synchronicity make it’s way into my day? Here is the CRUCIAL component: I felt good about what I was thinking about! As I was thinking about nature and raw treats, I was feeling positively lovely feelings. My positive feelings helped call those positive situations to me. I wasn’t feeling anxious or badly because I wasn’t in nature, or that I didn’t have a yummy delicious organic macaroon in my mouth. I was feeling the love that comes from imagining those gifts as if they were present.

In short, my feelings were centered around abundance, not around lack. Be aware of how you feel today when you’re thinking about what you want. Do your feelings come from lack or from abundance?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Natural (and OK!) To Get Angry

Does this ever happen to you? You're on a roll, choosing positive thoughts, taking time for yourself, and all of a sudden your ego revs up. Fearful, worrying thoughts come up, and you start to feel irritated often.

Don't worry, you're not crazy. In this vlog, I share a personal story of how I go through the same thing, and tips on how to deal with it.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How To Handle Negative Thoughts

Worrying, thinking negatively, and musing about what we don’t want, is a surefire way to cause our moods to go way down. Not only that, but taking the Law of Attraction into consideration, thinking this way will inevitably attract more bad feeling thoughts, which will in turn attract negative circumstances.
Obviously, the answer is to start choosing positive thoughts - thoughts that feel good - but how can we do so when we’re already so wrapped up in (mind my french) our own shit?

I've been visualizing violet flames burning away negative
thoughts and feelings since I was a child.
First, we need to stop the domino effect that the negativity has started. This usually involves surrendering these thoughts to a higher power to be healed. Here are 3 ways of doing so, choose whichever one feels more authentically aligned with your belief system:

  • Say aloud “Inner guide, I surrender this negativity to you, and I know it is now healed, thank you. Please help me choose thoughts that fill me with love, joy, and purpose.” 
  • Visualize your negative thoughts being burned away by vibrant and deep purple flames. 
  • Visualize your negative thought in the palms of your hands, and then picture yourself giving them away to God.

Secondly, we need to consciously commit to a higher level of thinking. Look around you, and find things you love about the moment. It may feel difficult at first, but keep reaching for positive thoughts until they feel natural.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are You Coming From Lack or Abundance?

The Manifestation Process can be easy if you understand the laws behind it! Join me as I talk about a key factor - Are you coming from lack or abundance?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Do You Believe In Angels? (I Do)

Angels are a huge part of my life, and they will take you to new levels of existence if you're ready for them. Learn more about them in the vlog below!